2019 Fall Conference   |   G-Suite

Click on the Google Slide button to interact and learn more about the Google World through the links and notes on our presentation.

Beth Juranek

1st Grade Teacher  |  Google Certified
Former Technology Coordinator (2 years)


Tricia Pieper

K-8 Art Teacher   |   6 – 8 Religion Teacher
Former K-8 Computer Teacher (17 years)  |  Former Technology Coordinator (15 years)


Thank you for joining us for our G – Suit Workshop.  We hope you learned at least one thing to take back to your classroom to start ‘swimming’ in the Google Lake.  If you have questions, please feel free to email either Beth or myself above with your questions.  If anyone would like to have a longer school-wide workshop on any one of these apps, please reach out to us and we can try to arrange a longer Google workshop learning time.

There is so so much more we wanted to share with you all and we needed another 10 hours to really teach how Google can enhance your teaching and engage your students better.  We are so sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk about how to use this without being a 1 – 1 school, but it is more than possible to use so many of these apps even if you are not yet a Google School.  Just reach out and ask and we can share more of our journey and how you can implement it in your school.

Please take a look at the Google Slide presentation below/to the right to start learning more on how to ‘swim in” the Google Lake and bring these amazing tools into your classroom. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you have to both myself and Beth.

Blessings through Christ our ultimate teacher,

Tricia Pieper and Beth Juranek