
As Catholics, we give with joyful hearts. In addition to giving our time and talent, we also offer our treasure. It is seen as a way to express gratitude to God, support the Church's mission and ministries, and help those in need. Your contributions impact the overall well-being of the church community and our outreach efforts.


Do you prefer to give using a credit or debit card but still have the flexibility of all the options in our envelope system? You can set up one-time or recurring gifts through WeShare.
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Saint Patrick Parish can help you set up a monthly or semi-monthly recurring gift through our ACH giving program. You can choose whether your gift comes out on the 1st, 15th or 20th day of the month. Download the form below and drop it off at the parish office.
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A gift of stock is a great way to support Saint Patrick Parish and maximize your tax savings. Use the form below to direct your gift yourself or give it to your finance professional who can assist you.
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With the change of tax laws in 2018, some of our members have turned to Donor Advised Funds to help maximize tax savings. A donor advised fund can be set up with many large investment firms as a one-time or recurring gift. You receive a tax deduction immediately when the fund is set up and gifts are distributed at your discretion. Contact our parish office for more information.
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Through estate planning, you have the opportunity to leave a gift that reflects how you lived your life. Please consider including Saint Patrick Parish and Saint Patrick Catholic School in your estate plan. For specific options or questions, please contact our parish office.
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Scrip is one of the easiest ways to help support Saint Patrick Church and School. We are able to order Scrip cards at a discount and buyers (that’s you) pay face value. The difference is an instant rebate for Saint Patrick Parish. Gift cards are available two ways - online or in person at church. It is easy and convenient and helps to support our parish. Follow the link below to learn more about the online program and to sign up. Saint Patrick’s enrollment code is: 63FBDCC418992.
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