Altar Servers

To find out more about this ministry, please connect with the staff liaison.

Sari Althoff

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    Weekend Masses & Funerals
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Ministry's responsibility

Altar servers in the Catholic Church play a vital role in assisting the priest during Mass and other liturgical services. Their duties often include carrying the processional cross, lighting candles, and assisting with the preparation of the altar. Additionally, altar servers may assist in the presentation of gifts during the Offertory and the purification of sacred vessels after Communion. By serving at the altar with reverence and attentiveness, they contribute to the smooth flow and solemnity of the liturgy, helping to create an atmosphere conducive to worship and prayer. Through their service, altar servers embody a spirit of humility and devotion, offering their assistance in the sacred rituals of the Church.

Altar Servers are 3rd grade and older, including adults. Being a Master Server (cross bearer) is open to those in 5th grade and up.

Funeral Altar Servers

Adult Altar servers available on weekdays to serve at funeral Masses. Individual training upon request, but Funeral Altar Servers are welcome to attend training for all Altar Servers.

For upcoming trainings, please see the events listed below.

Events by this ministry

There are no events by this ministry yet.