Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

To find out more about this ministry, please connect with the staff liaison.

Sari Althoff

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    Weekend Masses & weekly to the homebound
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Stewardship of the Eucharist

An extraordinary minister of Holy Communion in the Catholic Church assists in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Typically appointed by the local bishop, these ministers are entrusted with the sacred duty of offering the body and blood of Christ to the faithful. They may also bring Communion to the sick and homebound, extending the grace of the sacrament beyond the church walls. Through their reverent service, extraordinary ministers help facilitate a deeper participation in the central sacrament of the Catholic faith, fostering spiritual nourishment and communion with the divine.

Training for Ministers

You are invited to participate if you have never been trained in our parish for this ministry. Please attend if you wish to bring Communion to the home bound. Training will last approximately 40 minutes. Registration is not required, and you only need to attend one training.

For upcoming trainings, please see the events listed below.

Events by this ministry

There are no events by this ministry yet.