October 5, 2024

Baptism: A New Creation in Christ, A Call to Celebrate and Reflect


Father Dan Tracy

Pastor's Weekly Message

“This community rejoices with you, for today the number of those baptized in Christ will be increased, and we offer you our support in raising your child in the practice of the faith.” – Order of Baptism of Children

Perhaps you have heard these words before. Maybe you heard them at your child’s baptism. Maybe you heard them at your own baptism. Maybe you heard them at the 5:00 p.m. Mass last weekend. If you have been inside a Catholic Church – and especially if you have been here at Saint Patrick Parish – you have heard these words often.

As we continue to celebrate 150 years as Saint Patrick Parish, this month we will be sharing in homilies, bulletin articles, online, and in fellowship about one of the most important elements of Catholic parish life: baptism. The Church teaches us that baptism is first and foremost the Sacrament of that faith by which human beings, enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, respond to the Gospel of Christ. And as a parish, we have responded.

Since our parish was founded, thousands of individuals have received this great Sacrament as they begin their new life in Christ. In fact, since our parish moved to our current location in 1991 the Sacrament of Baptism has been celebrated 2,393 times. We are grateful for the gift of human life and honored to welcome so many people into the life of grace that can be lived fully in the Catholic Church.

As we reflect on baptism this month we begin by looking at how we are Created by God. In our first reading and Gospel passage we hear from the Genesis, chapter 2 creation account how God made us male and female and how he made us for each other. We are created body and soul to be in communion with God and communion with each other. The story of our creation is one of God bringing order out of chaos and doing so not out of boredom or fascination but out of love.

Building off this reflection on our own creation, we have a challenge for you that starts today. A great tradition among an increasing number of our parish families in recent years has been celebrating the day on which each family member was baptized. We want to extend that tradition to our entire parish family. But, in order to celebrate your baptism day, you first have to know it.

So, here’s the first step. Either dig into your baby box or family records and find a copy of your baptismal certificate or contact the parish/church in which you were baptized to find out the day you were baptized. If you were baptized here at Saint Patrick Parish, we will make it easy for you!

Second, we invite you to share the date of your baptism and any stories or photos you have regarding your baptism with us on Facebook or Instagram. We will have a pinned post on both pages that you can interact with and share your dates, stories, photos, etc.

Third, share the date of your baptism with family, friends, others and celebrate it. You have been made a new creation in Christ. What more reason do you need to celebrate than that?

Gracias a Dios.

Father Dan Tracy

Father Dan is the Associate Pastor at Saint Patrick Parish in Hudson, WI
