October 8, 2024

Holy Water Basin


Father Dan Tracy


As a sign of our baptism when we enter a Catholic Church, we bless ourselves with Holy Water. Holy Water is a sacramental of the Church which is a sacred sign that bears a resemblance to the sacraments. In this case, the blessing and usage of Holy Water resembles baptism and prepares us to receive grace and disposes us to cooperate with it. Holy Water is used to symbolize purification, it is used as protection against spiritual harm and temptation, and it can be used for the blessing of objects, homes, and other spaces.

We are grateful for parishioner James Bauer who helped to refurbish our old Holy Water basin that is used to dispense Holy Water and we are pleased to offer one bottle of Holy Water for each family to take home with them after Masses this weekend, October 12/13. The Holy Water basin will be placed next to our baptismal font in the sanctuary for future use and to make Holy Water more available to the faithful.

Father Dan Tracy

Father Dan is the Associate Pastor at Saint Patrick Parish in Hudson, WI
